Empowering the blind and visually impaired through comprehensive training, personalized support, and innovative programs

Who We Are

HBDC (Hope for the Blind Development Centre) is a dedicated organization committed to transforming the lives of individuals who are blind or have low vision. We believe in empowering these individuals by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services, specialized training, and unwavering support. Our mission is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their visual capabilities, enjoys the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities as sighted individuals.

Years in operation

For the past four years, HBDC has been dedicated to providing exceptional services and fostering an inclusive community for the blind and visually impaired.

people Empowered

Through our comprehensive training and support, we have transformed the lives of over 100 individuals, helping them achieve greater independence and confidence.

projected clients
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Our goal is to empower 1,000 more individuals in the coming years, expanding our reach and continuing to enhance the lives of the blind and visually impaired.

What we do

Orientation and Mobility Training

We offer expert-led training programs. From mastering white cane techniques to utilizing sighted guides, we provide the tools and skills needed for confident navigation.

Visual Aids and Braille Skills

We help the blind gain proficiency in using a variety of visual aids and learn essential Braille skills. We work to ensure that each individual can communicate effectively and access information independently.

Eye Care and Support

We partner with experts who offer advice on eye care and access to curative services. Our holistic approach addresses both immediate needs and long-term wellness, helping individuals maintain optimal eye health.

Our Mission and Vision Statement

At HBDC, we are dedicated to transforming the lives of blind and visually impaired individuals through comprehensive rehabilitation and training services. 


To be the best rehabilitation and training centre for blind persons in Kenya.


To empower individuals who are blind or have low vision by providing comprehensive rehabilitation and training services.

Our Core Values

Hope for the Blind Development Centre is defined by the following values:


We believe in the power of independence and self-reliance. By providing comprehensive training and support, we empower individuals to navigate their world with confidence and dignity.


We are committed to creating an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity. Our programs and services are designed to cater for everyone.


Our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding. We provide personalized support and care, recognizing the unique challenges faced by each individual and offering viable solutions

Hope for the Blind Development Centre (HBDC) is dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion, integral to our mission of empowering the visually impaired community. Your support helps us make a meaningful difference

Insights; Transformative Experiences

Our CEO Teaching a Blind Lady How to Clean the Table After Meals

This activity, often taken for granted by those with sight, requires a unique approach and tactile strategies for the visually impaired. Our CEO guided her step-by-step, emphasizing the importance of systematic movements and the use of touch to ensure the table is thoroughly cleaned.

A Blind Teacher Being Trained on the Use of Smartphones and Braille

At HBDC, we believe in the continuous professional development of our clients. The session covered advanced smartphone features (such as accessibility apps)and reinforced his proficiency in Braille, ensuring he can seamlessly integrate it into his teaching methods.

Our Organization's White Canes for Training the Blind to Walk Independently

These essential tools help blind individuals navigate their surroundings safely and confidently. Our comprehensive training sessions involve teaching how to use the cane to detect obstacles, understand different textures underfoot, and develop spatial awareness.